Make a Request

If you're in search of a particular designer handbag that's hard to find or out of stock, Handbag Social Club can help you locate it. We specialize in sourcing rare and sought-after designer handbags and have a network of trusted suppliers and sellers around the world.

Our experts will work closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, and we'll use our expertise and resources to find the perfect handbag for you.

We'll provide you with a quote based on the current market value, and if you agree to the price, we'll handle all aspects of the transaction, from purchasing and shipping to authenticity verification.

Completing all form fields below will give us the most accurate initial sourcing results for you.

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How It Works

  • Make a Request

    Our experts will work closely with you to understand the type of item you are looking for, details and budget.

  • Sourcing Your Item

    We will use our expertise and resources to source your request. When we find the item or options in your desired category, we will provide photos and a quote for the item or items based on current market value.

  • Authenticity & Delivery

    If you agree to the price, we'll handle all aspects of the transaction, from purchasing and shipping to authenticity verification.

See What We've Sourced

Browse Sourced Items